
Aqua Pro

Aqua Pro is a Botanical Beverage Mix Lemon and Algae with Probiotics. This botanical beverage retains a well-balanced sweetness and sourness throughout, ending with a harmonious finish.

It is formulated with a total 6 probiotic strains, combined with lemon juice powder and different types of algae, which are Spirulina Powder (Blue-green Algae), Green Microalgae and Red Coral Algae Powder.

Take 1 stick pack of Aqua Pro and let it gently dissolve in your mouth. You may mix it with water as well.

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Why Are Micro-Nano Bubbles So Important?

In order to deliver hydrogen water with the best quality and stability to our consumers, Micro-Nano Bubble Technology plays an important aspect in CalerieHealth™’s manufacturing processes. Here’s how Micro-Nano Bubble Technology works and why it’s such an essential piece to the CalerieHealth™ line of products.*

Micro-Nano Bubble Technology

Our state-of-art Micro-Nano Bubble Technology optimizes hydrogen content produced and encourages optimal stability, including that of the stronger bubble structure as well as the longer duration of hydrogen presence in the water. These two key features allow each bottle of CalerieHealth™ hydrogen water to trap more than 70% of hydrogen gas produced, ensuring hydrogen gas won’t run away.*

What Are Micro-Nano Bubbles?

As the name suggests, micro-nano bubbles are incredibly tiny bubbles, approximately 70-120 nanometers in size. For comparison, micro-nano bubbles are around 2500 times smaller than a single grain of table salt you might use when cooking.

Micro-nano bubbles may be too small to see with the naked eye, but they are stable and efficient in their purpose. They have a strong negative surface charge, which provides several of their benefits. Additionally, micro-nano bubbles are neutrally buoyant and can stay stabilized in water for weeks without rising to the surface.*

Benefits of Micro-Nano Bubble Technology

Micro-Nano Bubble Technology is critical in producing CalerieHealth™ hydrogen water, providing proven benefits for the consumer. Compared to other commonly used technologies, this technology allows for a much higher hydrogen saturation to be achieved in the end product.*

It also encourages optimal stability, including that of the bubble structure and the duration of hydrogen presence when the magnesium tablet reacts with water. This helps to ensure a high hydrogen content in CalerieHealth™ hydrogen water, which in turn offers you the most benefits.*

Highly Efficient Gas Transfer

Micro-Nano Bubble Technology offers a highly efficient gas transfer. Compared to conventional technologies, Micro-Nano Bubble Technology achieves a significantly more efficient hydrogen transfer in water. This means that hydrogen levels increase dramatically in the water while using far less hydrogen compared to conventional methods.*

A Natural Miracle from the Deep Sea

A CLoser Look

Red Coral Algae Powder

Red coral algae powder is a multi-mineral complex that is derived from the red algae Lithothamnion Corallioides. It is rich in magnesium, calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc, etc.

Red Coral Algae Powder

Red coral algae powder is a multi-mineral complex that is derived from the red algae Lithothamnion Corallioides. It is rich in magnesium, calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc, etc.

CalerieHealth chose BioPQQ® to ensure the best efficacy of Alpha Hope’s formulation. BioPQQ® is registered on the European Union’s Approved List of Novel Foods. Moreover, it has GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status with the certification from Informed-Choice and Informed-Sport quality assurance programs.

Green Micro-Algae

Green micro-algae is an antioxidant enzyme found inside all living cells. It is part of the body’s first line of defense for the immune system and is key in fighting against free radicals that attack the body.*

Red Coral Algae Powder

Red coral algae powder is a multi-mineral complex that is derived from the red algae Lithothamnion Corallioides. It is rich in magnesium, calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc, etc.

Green Micro-Algae

Green micro-algae is an antioxidant enzyme found inside all living cells. It is part of the body’s first line of defense for the immune system and is key in fighting against free radicals that attack the body.*

Spirulina Powder

Spirulina is a blue-green alga that grows in salt and freshwater. It is one of the most nutrient-dense foods, containing significant amounts of micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.*

Featured Key Ingredients

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Natural Fruit Blend

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Powerful Immunity Blend

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Hear What Others Have to Say

I’m currently digging CalerieLife’s SOD + NMN chewable tablets & their Aqua SOD Probiotics. They don’t taste like much, but they pack a lot of punch for the immune system and long term healthy aging! 😇

A healthy lifestyle starts with what you put into your body 💚 & with fall and winter coming up, it is so important to keep your immune system strong which is why I am so excited to introduce to you CalerieLife immune boosting probiotics!!

I started taking AQUA-SOD Probiotics first thing in the morning. The powder has a well-balanced, sweet-sour flavor that makes it easy to consume directly out of the package or mixed into a beverage!


Guys I need to put you on my new daily routine from CalerieLife that includes Deep Sea derived probiotics and SOD+NMN!


These products promote healthy aging and I’ve been feeling more energized for my morning workouts!


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